in research of eco-friendly fine art  

It is an initiative of myself as an artist.
I have to take responsibility of the material and the process while creating fine art.
I do researches about sustainabiltiy and climate-change-movement in the section of fine arts. It investigates different possibilities and materials of sustainable art work.
It also includes actions in public space to draw attention to the acute course of climate change and to bring scientific information closer to civil society.

Working in an eco-friendly way is for me an essential matter to protect the lives of future generations as well as to preserve worldwide wilderness and to strengthen the perception in the mindful handling of nature.

Each action for wilderniss and a respectful area of nature counts!

I am just at the beginning, but it will grow like a young plant in healthy soil.

  "Der Staat schützt auch in Verantwortung für die künftigen Generationen die natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen und die Tiere im Rahmen der verfassungsmäßigen Ordnung durch die Gesetzgebung und nach Maßgabe von Gesetz und Recht durch die vollziehende Gewalt und die Rechtsprechung."  (Artikel 20a, Grundgesetz) (Quelle)

Let's bloom together...

an interreligious exchange

People from all world religions, various cultural philosophies and interested people have come together and collaborated on a plant printing project. In addition to the printing, there were intense conversations and exchanges between individuals from diverse social backgrounds. Thank you to all who participated.


There is an empty gravel area in a new build area of Dresden.
It is located next to a new constructed school and playground. 
This area is characterized by concrete and sealing. The only natural ground is the gravel field.
It is mostly used by children as playground. 
Unfortunately the owner of this area decided to create a parking place there and no 
school-garden for the children. 
Until the area will be anoter big betonfield I decided to create different objects out of recycled material to the surface.

This time I built flowers out of old used wood and let them painted in a shape of a workshop by young students.
The colours, the big plastic foil and the brushes are old secondhand materials.

Big thanks to the student of the Gymnasium Dreikönigsschule Dresden.

An alternative christmas tree

I built an alternative christmas tree by using old wood and colours.
It got it's home on a fallow land next to a school and a playground in a busy part of the city Dresden.
There is no need for a wasted life of an tree which has much more function in a forest than dead in a living room.
The next generation should have a new view about the obsolete christmas tree use.

online newspaper article
Thanks to Anton Launer by Neustadt Geflüster

Tanni im Kiez

Tanni im Kiez is a farewell ritual for a discarded Christmas tree which I found lying in the middle of the sidewalk. I took the tree and gave it a new place. This was built on a brownfield site which will be concreted in the future and a parking lot will be set up. There is a school and a playground in the area. Furthermore, I called for participation via flyers, a newspaper advertisement and social media with an open call. Within a very short time Tanni was decorated and more trees arrived.
Every day I lit a candle for the farewell ritual. While I was there, there were many conversations with passers-by or participants. There was a very positive exchange with many ideas on alternative Christmas trees and discussions about the Christmas tree trade and planting.